Brand Interface Edge1 outdoor billboard media advertising erp software

Every Brand Gets Its Own Space

  • Individual login credentials for each brand
  • Campaign wise sales history
  • Quick review on recent campaign postings
  • Track campaign progress
  • With the help of filters know the details of media sites campaign wise
  • Track past campaign details
  • The brand can download all photos campaign/ site wise for his future reference
  • Sharing of plans, estimate and contract directly on the brand interface
  • View recent or past campaign images display brand, media site and campaign start date and end date wise

What we Present

Grow your business through happier, more satisfied BRANDS

Get started with Edge1’s brand interface software today to connect with brands on their own terms, and grow through their success.

Get Started
edge1 brand interface campaign management ooh advertising erp software

Turn Brands Into Promoters

Better Experience

Edge1 manages brand campaigns linked with their media locations across markets and outdoor media types to deliver better customer experiences to brand at scale.

Brand Feedback

The brand can share their feedback on media locations, client servicing and can register their complaints regarding any issue on ongoing campaigns.

POP Request

With individual login id and password, the brand can view all monitoring images of their campaign and can request more monitoring images at any point in time.

Report Issue

With a dedicated mobile application for the brand, they can also upload images of any site which they found is down during campaign with geolocation and time stamp.




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