Stay Connected
With Edge1 Mobile Apps
Manage your leads, media plans, and site monitoring on the move, and stay connected to your customers, and team with Edge1 mobile apps that runs on android, iOS, and windows handheld device.

Work from Anywhere, Anytime, Anydevice

Your on-the-move SALES assistant
It is an essential business tool to helps you to stay connected and productive wherever you are. Stay up to date with your customer info even when you’re on the go. It helps salespeople to acquire, retain, and delight more customers.
- Stay connected by following your leads on the go
- Timely alerts on due leads followups
- Share quick media plans with your leads from your mobile
- Ease in searching for records by client name, display, campaign start date, and end date
- Update your notes, tasks, contacts, accounts, leads, and opportunities while the details are still fresh in your mind
Edge1 for Mobile it’s faster

Get your MEDIA MONITORING at one place
An app that helps your operations team to receive site monitoring instructions directly on an android or iOS handheld device. All monitoring site images that are captured by different operations team members can be searched, viewed and analyzed for future planning.
- Monitoring site images are times stamped with geolocations
- Monitoring images are automatically linked to sites and campaign
- Any type of image i.e. long shot, close shot, day view or night view can be clicked
- Share the auditable campaign photos with your clients and others with a single click
- View all monitoring images of sites from one interface anytime, anywhere and on any device

Measure the growth of your company from one mobile app, dig into your business data from branch to employee level. It helps you to track the complete customer lifecycle, from campaign start to final payments.
- Monitor real-time transactions
- Single dashboard to view business data in a glance
- Keep track of all your customer’s campaigns and payments
- Ease in scaling and crunching hundreds of millions of rows of data
- Keep track of all your customer’s campaigns and payments
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