5 Reasons To Use Out Of Home Media To Advertise Your Brand

5 Reasons To Use Out Of Home Media To Advertise Your Brand Edge1

In today’s world, out of home media are in demand as they reach a wide number of people and create a long-lasting impression of your brand. People spend more time outside their homes. This enables outdoor advertising channels to communicate with them effectively.

Out-Of-Home (OOH) advertising has become a global marketing strategy, with the ads being presented in various forms, shapes, and sizes. From the narrowest streets to the widest thoroughfares, advertisements can almost be found in every corner of the world.

According to the outdoor advertising agencies, the options of outdoor channels are endless. It includes colorful billboards, banners, and posters on buses, trains, taxis, benches, and malls. Airport advertising also offers tremendous benefits to luxury brands. Airport advertising offers a high-impact on potential customers and boosts the sales of the company.

With its strong existence throughout the years, it is no doubt that outdoor advertising remains to be a very effective marketing medium. No matter how big or small your business may be, it will still reap the benefits of outdoor advertising:

1. OOH builds your brand

If you want to create an immediate awareness for your company, outdoor advertising is an ideal form of advertising. OOH mediums send your brand message in just a few seconds. Outdoor advertising helps customers recall the product message conveyed in the signage. 

With its repeated exposure, your target audience develops familiarity with your business every time they pass by your advertisement. OOH media formats surround and reach consumers during the 70 percent of their day spent away from home. As people go out and about, commuting or shopping or walking their dog or searching for their favorite frappe, they are exposed to OOH messages.

You may wonder why outdoor advertising has become such an effective marketing tool. One clear reason would be its permanence. The viewing public has very little control over what they see outside their homes. Unlike newspaper ads which can be folded over to the next page or websites which can be closed in one click, outdoor advertisements cannot be easily avoided. They cannot be skipped, blocked, viewed by bots, or deleted. OOH formats are tangible real estate that gets noticed in the real world. Thus, people will always get to see the ad whenever it passes through their view.

With OOH, you can achieve massive reach within a market. It provides marketers a broad stroke to raise brand awareness and recall.

2. OOH reaches your target audience

Out-of-home placements are location-specific. Each location is strategically selected to aim your message at the precise audience you’re trying to engage in. Location-based marketing leverages mobile data to identify patterns of travel throughout a day. This data can then be used as an insight to determine where you should place your OOH messages. It allows you to craft audiences in the real world and serve them your messages on physical media. 

With the help of outdoor advertising, you can target your audience in a specific town, city, and market area. You can also reach out to particular demographics, ages, and income groups of people. You can predict when and where your target audience will be and intercept them with your message. With proximity marketing, you can dominate strategic locations: grand openings, events, trade shows, high traffic areas, specific zip codes, competitor locations, etc.

Through outdoor advertising, you can tailor your message depending on the location of your prospective customers. By designing the ad in a way that reflects the needs and tastes of the people in a specific area, the advertisement can better connect with your target audience. For example, advertisements may appear more fun and colorful in beaches and resorts, while signage in business districts may appear to be streamlined and a bit formal.

OOH is still very relevant in today’s media landscape. By leveraging data insights, you can engage with your audience during key moments in their day. This allows for maximum exposure to the exact right people. Broad reach, narrow focus.

3. OOH is cost-effective

One of the best reasons to invest in OOH advertising is that it is an incredibly affordable way to reach a wide audience and build brand awareness. OOH mediums are cost-effective as compared to other commercial mediums like TV, radio, and newspapers. Outdoor ads are especially beneficial for small firms as they have limited marketing budgets. 

The cost per thousand impressions (CPM) for outdoor advertising ranges from 6 cents to $8.99.  When stacked up against other forms of advertising media that start at $8.99/thousand and can get as high as $58.00/thousand, it is easy to see why out-of-home (OOH) is considered high value at low cost. 

OOH media formats give brands national reach at a relatively low cost. Advertisers should take advantage of the highly competitive CPM rates this channel offers. Scalability and wide market coverage are big benefits of OOH media, and to incorporate them is a cost-effective choice.

With outdoor advertising, your budget is maximized, thanks to its lower rates. Whether it’s a billboard, a bus ad, a poster, or a car magnet, outdoor advertising mediums are generally more affordable than print, online, and television ads. Depending on the placement of your ad, and the kind of technique that you use, outdoor advertising is a great way to promote your brand for the long term.

4. OOH provides maximum exposure

Consider the hundreds of people (with or without vehicles) who pass through the streets each day, and thousands more in busy cities, who will get to see the advertisement. It’s the reason why the roads and highways are littered with all sorts of outdoor advertising. In fact, in a study conducted by the American Trucking Association, commercial signage placed in a vehicle can generate an average of 65,000 visual impressions a day, given that it passes through major city roads. With such a scope of audience, outdoor advertising will reach far more prospective customers when used strategically.  

More so than other forms of advertising, when people consume OOH messages, they feel confident, excited, hopeful, positive, and happy. Consumers trust out-of-home. Next to print, people perceive OOH as a very credible source of information.  

Public opinion polls discovered that more than 85% of people believe billboards provide useful information and 83% find OOH informative. The creative can also invite people to interact with the brand in a more hands-on fashion. This creates positive moments shared between a brand and its key audience. These moments can also create happiness and more good vibes around the medium.

Because OOH is a well-perceived media channel, you can use OOH messaging to influence brand perception and purchase decisions.

Another advantage of OOH advertising is that it is a key driver of consumer engagement, which means that it works well in combination with digital campaigns to drive conversion. Studies have shown that people are more likely to click on an online ad if they have previously been exposed to OOH advertising from the same business. OOH can also be used to direct people to your website, a particular landing page, or to use a specific hashtag on social media.

Make sure that your OOH advertising campaign is leveraging the power of engagement to enhance your other marketing efforts instead of working in isolation.

5. OOH boost sales

Those who have seen a product advertisement many times over may likely buy the product Outdoor advertising helps pique the interest of new customers, who may be intrigued as to what the buzz is all about. On the other hand, it also reminds existing customers that the product is still available in the market. In both ways, outdoor advertising creates a continuous invitation for people outside their home to make a purchase.

OOH media has the greatest impact on awareness, recommendation, and purchase-intent metrics. It not only has massive reach in a market to maximize exposure among key audiences, but it can truly trigger consumer behavior.  

The Nielsen OOH Advertising Study reported specific actions taken after seeing an OOH ad:

  • 21% visited a restaurant advertised
  • 16% immediately visited the business advertised with a directional ad
  • 20% watched a movie in the theater
  • 19% tuned into a TV show
  • 26% talked about the ad or product with others
  • 23% interacted with the ad via NFC sensor or QR code
  • 35% used mobile search to look up more information about the advertiser

It’s evident that OOH can stop us in our tracks or train of thought and motivate us to action. Outdoor advertising is an influential marketing technique as different channels of OOH advertises the same message frequently. This repeated marketing technique hammers the brand message on the people which makes your brand memorable. When they go for purchasing, they may demand your product as they are influenced by outdoor ads.  

Woot! Woot! (If you’ve read this far, I know you’re an OOH fan now.)

The benefits of OOH media are clear. OOH allows marketers to reach the right audiences effectively. 

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